Crafts,  DIY,  Home Decor,  Valentines

6 ft. Valentine subway art

As a crafter I am always looking for the next greatest project.  Something fun yet different.  Crafters are always looking ahead to the next holiday and how they are going to decorate for it.  As a crafter I don’t mind when the holiday merchandise hits the shelves before it is really time because it gets my mind going!

This project was an inspiration from Tater tots & Jello  Now I absolutely love love Jen’s but I wanted to have some color to mine and wowza I think the vinyl would have been ten times easier! So my advice is go with the vinyl lettering.

My Bff and I did the reverse vinyl stenciling and to stencil this was somewhat of a pain! I forgot my camera during the stenciling phase but that is okay because it was chaos! my friends little 3 year old  wanted to assist every step of the way so that made it rather eventful! 😉

First we painted our boards (they were 6 ft. in length and about 1 ft. in width) We painted the main board white and the trim’s in turquoise.

After we painted the boards my husband asked why we didn’t paint them on the saw horses DUH!! I was to excited to get them done~
On the molding along the bottom we added some design with hot glue then painted with turquoise over the top.

We put the template on the entire board (after screwing on the top, bottom and middle molding) then set out to paint it! We did our letters smaller so had to come up with some extra wording – that wasn’t easy! We did do the word “Love” in the middle out of vinyl as we wanted it 3-D

Another thing I would skip is the glitter! That stuff stuck to everything when I only wanted it to stick to the letters! But it turned out with color like I wanted it to. I still need to fill some nail holes with some putty and do some touch up painting on it but it sure turned out cute!!

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