Christmas,  Crafts,  Sewing / Quilts

Burlap Christmas Stockings

Burlap Christmas Stockings

I had it in my mind that I wanted to create some Christmas stockings for a friend for quiet some time but kept putting it off due to school and work and kids etc. So, one night in my extreme frustration of life I knew she too was having a rough time so I dropped everything and sat up into the wee hours of the night to create these awesome stockings!

Burlap stocking cut

First off I searched for a stocking that I could use for a template. I found an extra one in my Christmas storage bins and so I set out to trace around the stocking I found. I doubled the burlap before I started to cut so I could get them cut faster. If you have worked on burlap at all you will know it is squirmy and will shift so you have to hold it tight and make sure it is pinned pretty well to your template. Also, it is itchy and messy to cut.

Burlap stocking polka dot

I cut the polka dot inside lining about 1/2 inch shorter on both sides and 4″ taller on top so I could fold it over for at least a 2″ cuff at the top of the stocking. Then I layered the polka dot material on the outsides with the burlap on the inside, stitched all around the edges and once done turned it inside out to create the finished stocking. This was pretty easy just time consuming.

Here are the finished stockings!!
burlap stockings distant fireplace

Please ignore the “give thanks” photo on my fireplace ummm yeah I am a little slow on switching that out from Thanksgiving!

A little close up picture. DISCLAIMER – I am NOT a seamstress 😉
Burlap stockings close up

I sure hope she enjoys her new stockings!!

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