Who doesn't love spooky season and Halloween? Decorate your home, get party ideas & recipes for your ghoulish Halloween season.
Spider Silk Dust Mini Glass Halloween Necklace
A neighbor friend had some necklace chains that she was getting rid of. So, Krystal snatched them up not knowing what they could be used for. My mind got working overtime and I had an idea to make some sort of Halloween necklace as favors for my annual Halloween party. This is how the Spider Silk Dust necklaces came to life. I purchased some cute little spider web charms on Etsy you can find them here Then Krystal found some cute little mini glass bottles online. We inserted necklace links into the tops of the corks of the little jars then filled them with light white glitter. We added the little spider web charms…
Hocus Pocus I need Hot Cocoa to Focus Mug
Hocus Pocus! It is Halloween time which brings the month of October, which brings cooler weather. I love fall and especially when it cools off like it does. The leaves are falling off the trees and I’ve pulled out my hot cocoa! So, Why not make a cute Halloween mug to enjoy my hot cocoa in? Hocus Pocus! First gather a black ceramic mug (these can be found at the dollar store for only $1.00). When you bring the mug home make sure it is really clean before applying anything to it. The key to making this mug usable is dish washer safe mod podge. That’s right Dishwasher safe! Apply…
Halloween Candy Corn Shadow box Decor
Often during our many yard sale adventures we find many treasures that we can redo. One of our favorite things to look for at yard sales are shadow boxes. There are so many simple ways to transform a shadow box, one way we like to transform them is to add small loose items in the box portion and add vinyl on the front of the glass. I recently purchased 4 shadow boxes at a yard sale they were all new still in the plastic. I kept looking at them and deciding what I should fill them with. As I was looking online I came across this fun Halloween saying by…
Easy Fall pumpkin bead board decoration
I had a few scrap pieces of bead board hanging around my house. With our annual Halloween party coming up, I was trying to come up with ideas of what I could use this extra bead board for. I knew it would be easy to cut a large pumpkin shape out of the bead board. This was how the idea for an easy fall pumpkin bead board decoration was born. To make your own Fall Pumpkin decoration you will need: Scrap piece of bead board Tree limb cut to size Fabric Jute Ribbons Hot Glue Jig saw Sander First you will want to draw a template for your pumpkin size and…
Striped Round Wood Halloween Wreath
With our annual Halloween party coming up, we are always looking for fun new ideas to create handmade crafty prizes to giveaway. I saw this idea to make striped wreaths over at Pretty Providence, I decided to alter mine and use leftover press board. These wreaths will be a fun addition to our Halloween party prize table. To create your own wood wreath you will need 1/2″ to 1″ thick wood of your choice. I used a 1″ thick press board to make my wreaths. First create a circle template. Using my personal cutting machine to create a 12″ circle template made it easy. You will trace your circle template onto your wood and…
Wooden Coffin Decorative Halloween Sign
Are you looking for new ideas and ways to decorate at Halloween time? Halloween is one of my favorite holiday’s and I love to go over the top! Adding new Halloween decorations to my house while looking for new ideas is a fun past time of mine. In fact deciding to create a coffin out of old wood flooring that I had was easy for me. I knew that I needed to add something to it because it was very plain looking. Finding this darling saying from Dexter Kozen made the perfect addition to put on my coffin. To make a Wooden Coffin Decorative Halloween sign you will need: 2 wood slats cut 3″…
Annual Halloween party – Masquerade style 2016
A year behind on this post but better late than never! Krystal and I began planning our annual Halloween party for this year (2017) when I realized I had never blogged about our party last year! The theme for 2016was Masquerade – Meaning anything involving a mask. Oooh the ladies got creative. Check out some of their darling costumes! Isn’t this one a hoot! Can you guess what she was? Knowing I have so many photos to share but can’t put them all in this one post! Don’t forget to check out our previous years by clicking on the dates: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. Years of fun to look through!…
Witch Hat candy count down
I saw this idea a few years ago on Simply KellyB. I loved they idea and have had it filed away in the back of my head for some time now. I looked at her instructions and modified my witch hat count down with things that I already had on hand. She used a paper Mache hat from the craft store and punch holes to tie her ribbon through. I already had a witch hat that I had purchased from the dollar store. This is how I recreated her count down hat. I took a piece of cardboard and set the witch hat on top, I drew around the brim of…
Well Behaved Children Welcome sign
I love fun out of the ordinary sayings. I thought this saying was perfect for Halloween! It reminds me of Hansel and Gretel, and gave me quite a chuckle. I knew this fun saying needed to put on a sign. I painted a board a pumpkin orange color. Then using my personal cutting machine, I cut the saying ” Well behaved children welcome, the rest will be made into pies” out of a dark brown vinyl. Last I applied the vinyl to the center of my board. I decided to leave the sign very simple. I think the phrase says it all!
I Ain’t Afraid of no Ghosts
Because it’s Halloween and the new Ghostbusters movie just came out, I thought it would be fitting to create a wooden sign with the fun saying “I ain’t afraid of no ghosts”. I started by painting a scrap board a pumpkin orange color, next I cut the saying using my personal cutting machine out of white vinyl. I applied the white vinyl saying to the center of the board. Last I embellished the sign with some felt ghost cut outs. This was a fun prize that we gave away at our annual Halloween party this year.