Record Bracelets to accessorize!
Craft night at Krystal’s. I am super excited because there are all sorts of new people building houses around us and new people moving in. That means meeting new people!! Krystal her husband and two kids moved in to the cul-de-sac just west of our Cul-de-sac. I was excited to meet Krystal and realized she too loves to craft. She hosted a craft night at her home on Friday night March 5th. I was excited to go to her house and learn something new. We made these bracelets out of old records! She took old records and melted them down in the oven not fully but just enough to be…
Scrabble Jewelry / Magnets
I am always looking for something that my girls can create or make and either give away as gifts or wear/use. We took some old scrbble pieces and made these cute charms that you can wear on a chain or put a magnet on the back of and stick on the refridgerator. I let them pick some stickers and whatever scrapbook paper that they wanted to use. I thought that they did pretty good for a couple little girls. They were pretty simple & the girls have had fun wearing them!