Decorate using Owl’s! They are a “hoot”
September is such an odd month to decorate. There are no real holidays in the month of september that you can decorate for maybe back to school? or Apple’s as everything is harvesting… nah let’s shake it up a bit and decorate with owls!!
So, for the month of September I have focused on owl’s My really sweet girlfriend whipped me up a few owl pillows to sit on my bench in my front entry! Super cute don’t you think?? I added the burlap side ways pillow which was really easy to make.
I measured out how big and long I wanted my pillow then took two pieces of burlap and cut them to the same size. I then went to my cricut and found a few owl’s online that I liked. I lined them up in my software like this:
I used freezer paper to cut these out on in my cricut. Once they were cut I peeled them off the cricut cutting matt and put them onto my burlap.
I then took my freezer paper and ironed it onto the burlap so it would stick
Once that was done I put an old towl underneath my burlap (as liquid will seep through the burlap) and started to apply my fabric paint
Once dry I peeled off freezer paper sewed my edges together and stuffed the pillow ( I left one end opened and just tied it with a ribbon)
Aren’t all these owl’s so cute on my front porch bench??? Thanks a million to my awesome friend Krystal for making these little owl’s for me! I would love to whip up some more!

Jessica Dumont Thompson
Avery. I LOVE owls.. do you have a pattern for the owl you made for your door? or for those cute pillows??? so completely jealous. Love it all. Oh I just found some way fun owls at TJ Maxx for way cheap. All different kinds, all under ten dollars.
I am loving your blog.
Honestly Jessica.. start with a piece of paper. A lot of times I will trace it onto a piece of paper until I get it just right. Then I just go from there. You can find Silhouettes on google to trace also.