DIY,  Home Decor,  Pillows,  Spring / Easter

Easter Egg Pouch Pillows

Easter Egg Pouch Pillows

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Avry Found this darling Bunny pillow idea at Willoday. Only we decided to put a twist on this and do an Easter egg instead. It’s such a great idea to make these so you can stuff them full of fun goodies. Plus think of the endless possibilities with fabric selections and embellishments! Easter eggs come in all different patterns and colors now days. I decide to make the pillows in 2 different sizes. I made more of a fancy egg using a standard size throw pillow and then 2 smaller size pillows that I will put in my kids baskets and fill with goodies.

Being crafters both Avry and I have decided that crafting makes us a hoarder of sorts. We are always looking at things in a different light. Could this item possiably be used in a craft project? One of my favorite items to buy at garage sales or the thrift store is sheets! Yes, used solid color sheet sets. Weird, I know! I go through used sheets like hot cakes! They are a wonderful cheap fabric option to make decorative pillow shams. I mainly use the sheets as a backing for my pillows. Who really looks at or sees the backside of your decorative pillows? Besides it saves on expensive fabric! I like to craft on a dime.

I had found a great cream colored jersery knit set of sheets at a garage sale last summer. My price point on sheets is $1 for a set (Yes, I am a cheap skate). That is a ton of yardage for $1. This sheet set is what I used for the base of these pillows

first I layed out my sheet on my cutting mat.  I used the pillow inserts I had to measure the size.  I used my rotary cutter and mat to cut 3 squares that all measured 12″ by 12″.  We were making 2 large pillows, this is why I cut 3 squares.  Next I cut one of the squares in half, the 6″ by 12″ pieces will be to make the pouch.   I  also cut 4  9″ by 12″ pieces these will go on the back of my 2 pillows, to make this an envelope style pillow sham.  If you have read any of my past posts, this is my favorite method.

egg 1Now, that I have all my base pieces cut.  I created an egg template out of freezer paper.  I  hand cut the template used the pillow based to help determine the size of my egg template.  This is such a great project to use up scrap or remnant fabric pieces.  I cut my egg template in half and placed it on my decorative fabric.  Spreading the two pieces about 2″ apart.  I ironed on the template.
egg 2 I cut out around the egg template.  I cut the egg in half, leaving more fabric from the middle section on the top half of the egg.  I placed my egg pieces and centered them on my base pieces of fabric.  I measured the egg  so, the longer top piece would fit down inside the pouch.  I pinned the 2 egg halves in place and ironed over the top of the pouch to created a nice edge.
egg 3Sew the ironed over pouch edge, then sew around the top and bottom egg pieces.  You could also use wonder under to hold them in place.  I didn’t have any on hand so, I choose to sew my egg pieces onto my base. After you have sewn the egg pieces in place,  lay your base piece and match up your pouch piece.
egg 4here is where those 2 backing pieces come into to play, to make that awesome envelope.  Place right sides together, your first backing piece.  Then layer your second one on top to create the envelope.  Pin all of these layers in place.  Use lots of pins!!!  Then sew all four sides of your pillow sham.
egg 5Turn you pillow sham inside out!  Now you have a darling egg pouch pillow sham.  I had enough of this fun spring fabric to use it as the backing.  Really the pillow is darling at this point and could be ready to be put on an insert.  I love to glam stuff up!!! I have a bunch of felt and other flower embellishments kicking around.
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I cut some ribbon the same length as the egg middle.  I hot glued the ribbon right on the edge of the pouch and egg.  Then I hot glued some flowers and a jewel for the finishing touch!

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Here is my fun embellished Easter pouch pillow!
egg 10This pillow will be going in my daughters Easter basket, filled up with some fun goodies!
egg 9a larger version Avry made for herself!  This could be so fu. Or your couch with a little bunny stuffed inside!
egg 11This one is mine.  It’s a little fancier, Avry found the darling tassel trim digging through my ribbon bin.  It was a perfect match.  I can’t wait to put it on my couch!!!  These could also make great girlfriend or  Easter gifts!
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