Crafts,  Halloween,  Home Decor

Embossed Tin Pumpkins

embossed tin pumpkins

When people know you are a crafter they are always happy to add to your craft hoard.  I often have family, friends or neighbors who will call me before hauling away a load to the 2nd hand store.  Almost all of the time I am happy to sort through what could be free treasure!  Sometimes people give me items that I have no clue what I will do with them.  Recently Avrys x-sister in law gave her a bag full of cut apart soda cans???  Ummm ok???  They have been sitting in a sack here in my craft room,  I have been tempted to throw them away.   During one of my shopping trips this week,  I saw these darling pumpkins that had a strip of wavy tin down the center.  Bam!  It hit me I knew exactly what we were going to do with those soda cans.   I came home rounded up a few scraps of wood blocks,  I painted them 3 different colors  rust, light orange and cream.  Next I need to know if I could emboss these cans,  I slipped a piece into one of my embossing folders and ran it through the cuttle bug!   Yesssss!!!  It totally worked.   I picked 3 different designs to emboss the tin cans with.   I cut the pieces of metal to match each square pumpkin with a little edge to show the wood.   I wanted to distress the metal so it wasn’t so shiny,  I rubbed some brown paint onto the metal embossed pieces and then wiped it with a wet wipe before they paint was all the way dry.   I hot glued the Embossed metal onto the wood blocks and then hot glued some rope and green burlap on top to make a stem and leaf.   I am loving how these turned out!!!   Now I am imaging all the projects I can add embossed metal too.  I guess I better start saving my soda cans!

tin pumpkins

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