Christmas,  Fast & simple gift ideas,  Gifts

Hawaiian Christmas Gift Idea & Free Printable


With the days counting down towards Christmas,  I have found that I still have a few neighbor’s I would still like to give a small gift to.  I have been trying to come up with something nice but budget friendly.  In a few of my other posts I have talked about how much I love consumable gifts, I was trying to think along those lines.   When I remembered a few years ago I made up this tag for a tropical Christmas,  I had placed these tags on tropical lotions and gave them away.  I decided to reuse this tag and tie it to a pineapple.  I thought this would be a refreshing fun treat for a few neighbors.


To create your own Hawaiian Christmas gift simply purchase a pineapple and print my tropical Christmas tag below.  To print the tag click on the image below, copy and paste into program of your choice.  Christmas gifts don’t get any easier than that!

Hawaii christmas tag


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