DIY,  Pillows,  Sewing / Quilts

How to make a ruffled felt pillow

Depending on the size of the pillow you want to make will depend upon how many felt circles you will need to cut. I decided to do a longer skinnier pillow 24″ long and 8″ wide so I ended up cutting approximately 100 3″ round circles out of felt. I recommend buying the softer felt by the yard.

Once I had all circles cut out I cut out the front and back of the pillow using the same felt. I then took my felt and drew lines about 2 ” apart with a dark colored pencil

Once I had the lines drawn I took each circle and folded it in half like this:

Then I folded it in half again so it looked like this:

I took each circle and placed them along the lines I had drawn on the pillow and slowly sewed each one into place. So it should look like this:

I have known a few people to randomly hand sew these into place but that to me would take forever! So when I was done sewing on circles to the strips I randomly filled in bare spots with circles to make it look a bit fuller.
When finished sewing all circles into place I put my two large square felt pieces back to back (or inside out) and sewed the 4 sides together, leaving a small opening to turn it right side out and fill with batting. Then I hand stitched the closure together.

Here I have it displayed next to my Jersey knit pillow


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