Crafts,  Home Decor,  Valentines

Love you More!


love you more board

When my son was little we used to have contests on who could say they loved each other more. I would tell him I loved him and he would respond with “I love you more” this would go on and on.. I would say “I love you to infinity and beyond” then he would try to top me with “I love you to the moon and back” or “I love you more than you can think or say” One day when I dropped him off at school he told me that he loved me and got out of the car so fast that I couldn’t respond so I rolled down my window and yelled back “I love you more!” then drove away. Now this was back in the early 2000’s so I didn’t have a cell phone yet. When I got home the phone was ringing as I walked in the door. I answered the phone and it was Kaden on the other line. He said “I love you more than you can think or say” then hung up.  He is now 19 years old and has been away from home for 18 months serving an LDS mission.  When I saw this on Lolly Jane I knew I needed one for my own mantle.

love you more

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