Christmas,  DIY

Noel Christmas Shutter

Noel Christmas Shutter

Christmas crafting began before Halloween this year and this is one of those projects that got done before Halloween. All summer I was on the look out for old shutters or closet bi-fold doors that looked like shutters. Every garage sale I would look and finally it happened I found 4 of them (that I am hoarding out in my garage) Then my Friend got two more from her mother in law. Suddenly we were in Shutter heaven. 6 shutters for only $5 total. I originally had bought them for a fourth of July Idea I had but didn’t find them in time! So luckily I have four more shutters for the Fourth of July.

Then I stumbled across this Noel idea on PB&J Stories I love her boards but didn’t want to spend the money on wood and had oodles of shutters to work with so off we went!

Here are what the shutters looked like before:

Noel Shutter before

We then painted them white and once they were dry we added the Noel stencil (which was all cut on the Cricut) Our stencils normally only last one time.

Noel Shutter white with template

Once we had the template all in line and centered where we wanted it we began to paint with red! Now this same red paint is leftover paint from my red swing so we didn’t have to go out and buy anything!!! Reuse / Recycle!!

Noel Shutter Finished

Not sure why half of my pictures turned out blurry but I was to lazy to go take more! 😉 Happy Holidays! Can’t wait to show you all the fun things we are working on!

Noel Finished closer


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