Crafts,  Summertime fun

Outdoor bird’s nest Chandelier

Birds nest Chandelier

I am on a roll with my front porch!! The new craze is bright funky colored chandeliers. But in the yard??? with birds nests??
Yep! Check mine out –

Made from a $3.00 brass garage sale chandelier. Of course spray painted in the same turquoise as my picket fence.

Outdoor Chandelier

I never in a million years thought I would put a Chandelier out in my yard! But I have to admit it is kind of fun and funky! I have added some more Sprague’s of greenery/flowers to it since these pictures were taken but you get the idea right?

Outdoor Chandelier close up

I found this idea on the V Spot

This has turned into quite a conversation piece!
Outdoor Chandelier above picture

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