Crafts,  Fast & simple gift ideas,  Fitness,  Running

Running / Race Metals holder

Running & Races Metal Medallion holder

After running several races I learned that at the end of every race you get a metal. In the beginning I thought “oh that’s nice” But now that my collection has grown it turns into an accomplishment and a goal to do more races. I cannot believe how addicting it is!

Last year both my sister’s asked for me to make them something that they could hang their metals on – and it took me a year and a little inspiration from a friend to get me going.

metal holder close up

Simple as Cutting out the wood, figuring out the phrase and adding an iron hook. (Found at Hobby Lobby) I gave them to my sister’s Tiffany and Lia for their Birthdays and of course I’ve got one too to hang all my hooks on!

Metal holder


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