Rustic Wooden scrap Pumpkins
I had several odds and ends of boards lying around. It wasn’t really enough for a project I was hoping to do, I was tempted just to throw the boards away. You all know I am a craft hoarder, I hate to throw out anything that has potential to be something amazing. I started playing around and placing the boards together and then I saw this idea over at make it love it and knew this boards could be cute rustic pumpkins.
I placed 3 boards next to each other and then traced a pumpkin shape around the boards, I also took 2 more boards and placed them side by side and traced another pumpkin shape. Next I used the jigsaw to cut out the simple pumpkin shape. Then I used 4 scrap tack strips and nailed them on the back of the boards I cut to keep the pumpkin’s shape. I white wash painted one pumpkin orange and the other on an off white. After they were dry, I made stems for each pumpkin using twine and hot glued the stems onto top of the pumpkin shapes. I felt like they still needed a little something so I created the small pennant banners out of some scrap patterned paper. I love how rustic they turned out!