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Shabby Chic’ twin quilt

I have to take a moment and brag about my mother.. Yes, I truely believe I get a lot of my craftiness from her but when it comes to sewing and quilting she amazes me.  My 10 year old daughter Maeli has wanted a new quilt for her bed for sometime now and seeing how I purchased her’s when she was 4 years old I agreed it was time.  Maeli loves the shabby chic look, sleigh beds, chandeliers and all.
Maeli enjoys my mother a lot and is always wanting my mother to teach her something about sewing. So my mom showed her how to make yo, yo’s (which of course made it onto this beautiful quilt)  My mother and my daughter Maeli set out to find the perfect fabric.  When my mom called me later on that afternoon I was cringing at the colors maeli picked and how many different patterns of fabric.  But this was to be Maeli’s quilt so we let her pick.  My mother started on the quilt in the summer of 2010 and it was just put onto Maeli’s bed 2 weeks ago (summer 2011)  There are many hours of sewing, quilting, and thought put into this quilt not to mention about $200 of fabric and labor.  I smile when I see this quilt and at times it makes me want to cry because I know of my daughters relationship with my mother.
This quilt is a one of a kind.  To my mother – you have a gift, a talent that has been shared with hundreds of people. My gratitude for all the sewing and quilts is deeper then you will ever understand.

Here is how this beauty turned out!!

I love the detail and the patterns in the quilting. I think all Maeli’s selections of color turned out quite well together don’t you?

It brings out the pinks in her walls and the brown from her sleigh bed

My mother also made a matching pillow case and is currently finishing up a cute throw pillow to go along with the pillows she already has on her bed.


I have to show you the cute chandelier that I found at walmart that was actually a lamp. When my husband was doing the electrical in our home as we were building it I had him hard wire this lamp into a light fixture and hang it in Maeli’s bay window above her bed.   It looks so cute along with the new Quilt!  The lighting in this picture isn’t the greatest so you can’t see the detail  but I love that little chandelier!



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