Snowflakes 5 cents sign and snowflake blocks
Snowflakes 5 cents sign and Snowflake Blocks
Two Snowflake projects to finish off our Snowflake and Snowman Series! Both projects were very fast and easy! The snowflake blocks were done on left over scraps of wood from other projects – painted them a light blue/turquoise color, scuffed up the edges then used some old sponge snowflake stamps that my mother had given me to stamp on the snowflakes. While the paint was still wet I added some glitter onto each snowflake.
The snowflake 5 cent sign was done on some of the hardwood flooring Krystal had left over. Painted this a cream color and scuffed up the surface before applying the template. The template was created in Sure cuts a lot and cut on the Silhouette.