A spider webbed window!
Spider webbed window
I found this really creative idea in Better Home’s & Garden magazine this month of doing a spider web in a window! The one they had pictured was on a smaller scale but I thought my window above my front door would be perfect! So I headed to the store to hunt down some black masking tape. Can I just tell you that stuff is next to impossible to find! so instead I resorted to using electrical tape – the end results of taking that off my windows is yet unknown but I don’t think it’s going to be pretty!
I climbed up on my big A frame ladder and began my attempt at the spider web. After about an hour of cussing and my husband making comments such as: “It should have only been a 5 minute job.” I threw my hands up in the air. Shocker! I completely over thought this project and of course the math side of me came out and I thought it needed to be all symetrical. *sigh*
(take a look of what my web looked like when my hubby climbed up on the ladder to finish my “5 minute” project)
Try hard not to laugh………… okay fine laugh! I know I do when I see this picture! look at those perfect lines!
So hubby of course being the manly man he is fixed it in a matter of 10 minutes! check out his handy work!
Cute isn’t it? I love how it turned out! now to just add my big spider! don’t look to closely – you will see a dirty window and a craft fail that I had to fix hanging from the front porch!