Christmas Blocks
Follow along on how to make Christmas blocks! If you see in the photo below you can see how I used the little red truck block to add to a small tiered tray. To create your own Christmas blocks you will need: 2″ by 4″ pine wood boards – We use whatever scraps we can find. White or Red paint Small Christmas like embellishments you can glue onto the blocks paintbrushes Assortment of Christmas scrapbook paper or stick on vinyl chop saw To start measure and cut your 2″ by 4″ board into squares using your chop saw, they will actually be 3.5 ” by 3.5″. Funny that they call…
Large Four Foot Christmas tree family sign
This Christmas tree family décor sign was quite the feat to make. My mother fell in love with this phrase and so wanting to surprise her with a fun Christmas gift . As you know by now I love to do things as cheaply as possible! I could have made this into a small sign but Krystal had an old billboard she had acquired on the side of her house. She was kind enough to cut a 4 foot section off of the end of it and since the backing was wood I just used the back of the billboard. If you flip this Christmas tree family sign and look…
Old Fashioned Wood & Vinyl Sleigh Holiday décor sign
Confessions from this girl – I love the dollar store! But what really bites is when you find a darling metal sleigh ornament at the dollar store and sadly only purchase two. So, you find yourself driving to 8 different dollar stores. Only because all of the other stores were sold out. Yes folks! Sadly that happened to me. Here is what was created from the majestic 2 silver sleigh’s. Some Old Fashioned Wood and Vinyl Sleigh Holiday Décor sign. This project was pretty easy and I’ll show you step by step on how we did it. First Measure the wood piece that you are going to use. Next…
Nearly Natural Holiday Wreath
It’s that time of year when we begin to see the weather change, turn up our Christmas tunes and deck the halls! How can you not love this time of year with all the glowing lights, traditions and of course the décor. The look of pine boughs, trees and a Holiday wreath is one of my favorite traditional things about Christmas. How exciting it is for me to share with you one of the most gorgeous wreaths I have from Nearly Natural. Nearly Natural has a large assortment of beautiful holiday wreaths, garlands, trees and swags. Very impressed with how realistic this wreath looks. It is full and the lights…
Hot Cocoa Mug Whip
Ever wonder how you can get the perfect looking mug of hot cocoa? What if I told you that you could make one that looks perfect all the time? This is a quick and fun project on how to learn to make a Faux Hot Cocoa Mug Whip. Items you will need to make your own Faux Hot Cocoa Mug Whip: Empty ceramic mug (any color) Cardstock cut into a round circle the size of the top of your mug Wall plaster / spackling. In a tub – can purchase almost anywhere, Walmart, Target, Dollar store, Lowe’s, Home Depot etc. Frosting bag with tip (we didn’t want to ruin our…
Decorative Wood Christmas Tree
Tis the season for Christmas trees! This next project came to us in the way of a gift. A miniature version of this wood Christmas tree was given to Krystal a few years ago as a gift. When I laid my eyes upon it I fell in love and wanted to make our own version. To make one of these trees for yourself follow our simple tutorial. Supplies you will need: 3/4″ Pine (Wood) to cut the tree out of. Dimensions of the tree are 6 1/2″ along the bottom of the triangle. Each side is 12″ long and meet at a point. I hand drew a template and then…
Santa Kisses
I always try to figure out a Christmas game plan for my neighbor’s & friends a year in advance. The reason I do this is because the sales after Christmas every year are worth watching. I found this cute Santa Kisses Printable from A pumpkin and a princess a year ago! I jumped on the idea and Krystal found Hershey kisses for 90% off after Christmas last year. Making each bag only around .30 cents per bag! I’ve found if you freeze the candy right away it does just fine holding out all year long. Someone asked if the color of the chocolate changed. After inspecting the kisses and determining…
DIY – Simple Candy Cane Bath Salts with gift tag
Looking for a small, easy gift idea for those girlfriends? This is the easiest and simplest Candy Cane Bath Salts tutorial you will ever find! First, gather the containers you will be using to give your gift of bath salts in. I found little unused brand new glass jars at a garage sale last Summer. Next, Purchase some Epsom Salt and Peppermint essential oil. Since this is just a simple & easy bath salt I didn’t want the fizz that goes with a bath bomb so I opted out of using baking soda or any other ingredients. If I could buy just Peppermint Epsom salt I would! Per every cup…
Holiday Office Survival Kit Gift Idea
Every year I struggle on coming up with ideas for the men in my workplace. During the holiday’s the office has an over abundance of treats and goodies. So, the goodies idea is out of the question. Wanting to be creative yet know that my co-workers deserve something they will use poses to be a difficult task. That is until one day when my boss was reaching into my drawer to use my Ibuprofen. That is when the Office Survival Kit idea came into motion. Over the next few weeks I paid attention to some of the small items that my guy co workers used and put together my own…
“And to all a good night” wood sign painted in Christmas Red
Approximately 11 months ago (last Christmas) I saw this darling sign on Pinterest that said “And to all a goodnight” and I fell in love with it right on the spot. I just knew I needed that had to have that saying somewhere in my home. I went on the hunt for the maker of this beautiful sign (which took me from one blog to the next until I found it on Feather and Birch in her Etsy Store. But unfortunately it was no longer available. I figured I could make it myself so I set out to do so. I wanted my version to have some color so I…