“This is Us” Large 4 ft. wall home décor sign
Watching the T.V. series “This is Us” from the beginning of season one has got me hooked! Each week I wait patiently to see what emotional roller coaster that the Pearson family will lead their viewers into next. I find myself comparing this amazing program to my own life and realizing that I too have my own “This is Us” series in my life. Loving the concept of the show and how real some of the characters are to me. It gives me a true reflection into my own life and assists me in realizing that no matter how difficult a circumstance is in my life that there is always good. There is…
Round Framed Skeleton For Halloween Home Décor
Have you ever seen a round frame where the glass inside of it bubbles outward? The thing I love about garage sales is the ability to find random items and recycle or up-cycle them. So this bubbled frame got revamped and turned into a fun Halloween frame Skeleton skull. First I found a copy of this Vintage Anatomy Skull which I thought was absolutely darling! If you want to create the same print the skull out. Remove all the explanations below by cutting the skull print to the size of the frame. Once you have the piece of paper to fit the size of the frame you’ll want to put a little…