Effective Ways to Declutter Your Home
Effective Ways to Declutter Your Home Decluttering your entire house can be a daunting task, especially if you’re doing it alone. It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to completely restore the order and cleanliness of a home. Furthermore, a cluttered house can affect you and your family’s mental and physical health. It can cause stress and illness. Clean and declutter your house regularly, and create an environment that is suitable for building a home. Follow these effective ways to maintain the cleanliness and order of your home. Use Vertical Storage Floating cabinets and shelves, hanging racks, hangers, hooks, and wall pockets are some examples…
Simple and Easy Board and Batten Wall
Let me preface this post by saying this is the easy way to do a Board and Batten wall. No removal of any baseboard and no cutting around any outlets. Cost effective because there are no sheets of wood – yes folks I used the wall for my backing. For the most part I like to keep things simple. So here we go! First take a look at the wall or room that you would like to add the Board and Batten to. Ask yourself these questions – What is the overall measurement of the length of the wall? Can you stack the vertical strips on top of your current…
DIY Rustic Re-purposed Wood Shutter With Hooks
I have had this old Wood Shutter sitting in my garage for several years. I purchased several shutters at a garage sale for $2.00 and then found more! Both Krystal and I had 6 shutters for under $5.00 over the years I have used the shutters for various projects. I’ve made a Noel sign for Christmas and a Flag shutter for the 4th of July. But WAIT!! Who could forget the Thanksgiving Shutter ?? As you can see I have used Shutters for each holiday but I had one full length one left so I wanted to create something for my sister. This originally was meant to be for her back hall to…
Handmade Shelving DIY using Industrial Piping
This Handmade Shelving using Industrial Piping is a quick Saturday afternoon project that will seriously change the look of any room! There are tutorials all over the web for these type of shelving so this is probably nothing new. Simplifying was the route I used. (Yes that is a ceiling fan in my bathroom- best decision ever) First gather your supplies. You will need: 1- 8 foot long 2″ x 8″ Fir Wood. Cut in half to make 4 foot lengths. Table saw or chop saw to cut the wood (If you don’t have a saw you can have your local wood store cut it) Hardware needed: 4 – 3/4″…
“This is Us” Large 4 ft. wall home décor sign
Watching the T.V. series “This is Us” from the beginning of season one has got me hooked! Each week I wait patiently to see what emotional roller coaster that the Pearson family will lead their viewers into next. I find myself comparing this amazing program to my own life and realizing that I too have my own “This is Us” series in my life. Loving the concept of the show and how real some of the characters are to me. It gives me a true reflection into my own life and assists me in realizing that no matter how difficult a circumstance is in my life that there is always good. There is…
DIY Knock off Crate and Barrel Birch Branches
About 2 months ago myself, my sister, Sister in law and my mom were all shopping and we decided to stop into Crate and Barrel. I was really surprised to see piles of Birch limbs and Birch Branches FOR SALE! they made darling decoration but there was no way I would spend $30.00 on 3 – YES only 3 branches! So fast forward a few weeks later when I am up at my mom’s house in Idaho and she tells me she had to cut down her beloved Birch tree because it died after many many many years. Yep! You know me and how my mind works. My mother and…
Large Valentine X’s and O’s made out of lathing strips
Large Valentine X’s and O’s made out of lathing strips When it comes to home decorating there are hundreds of thousands of talented ladies out there. I sit in amazement some days at the creativity of some women! What’s even more awesome is that these women are willing to share their talents with us. This big project of X’s and O’s came from a broadcast that was on KSL’s Studio 5. The creator was Clockworkdesign. So far I haven’t found that she has a blog but she does do television segments with Brook Walker on studio 5. Like always we instantly fell in love and had to have our own sets! We…