Fast & simple gift ideas,  Printables,  Teacher appreciation

Teacher appreciation week gift ideas

Last week was teacher appreciation week at our elementary school and my girls wanted to do some fun stuff for their teachers so here are a few things I came up with.

The first idea and printable I got off of Eighteen 25.   I bought a chinese take out box at the dollar store for a dollar, bought some fortune cookies at Wal-mart and printed out the tag to attach to the side of the box.  Cute, fast, simple idea!

I know the scented wax is very popular right now and a lot of people purchase these for their warmers instead of burning candles. So we took Scentsy bars and attached a tag that said: “You are Scent-Sational” You could use this saying for anything that is scented. (Candles, airfresheners, perfume, body sprays etc.)

We also took some soda and added little tags that said: “Pop Pop, Fizz Fizz, what a great teacher you IS” I have also seen A&W rootbeer with a tag that says “you are an AWesome teacher” or you can take a container of Joy soap and add a tag that says: It has been a “Joy-ous” year with you as my teacher. There are so many fun ideas..

Some of these ideas may be cheesy but I do know they brought a smile to the teachers faces!

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