Pillows,  Sewing / Quilts,  Valentines

Valentines February 14th Pillow

The golden day in February is the 14th.  Who cares about flowers and chocolate when you can get away with decorating your home with PINK without your husband complaining! That is enough love for me!

The creativity behind this pillow goes to Melissa isn’t it adorable?? Although I can’t go without glitter so mine got a little bedazzled! She didn’t have a tutorial on her site so figuring out the numbers was a bit of a challenge.. pffft what am I saying? no challenge when Krystal is around!

valentine 14 close up pillow

I think it is time Krystal goes to school for graphic design. She is amazing when it comes to figuring out dimensions, sizes, shapes etc.
Loving this pillow on my couch!
Valentine 14 pillow

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