Wicked Chicken Spring D’ecor Sign
Wicked Chicken Spring Décor Sign
I was browsing around on Etsy on found this darling sign here. I loved the saying on it! However, it didn’t really match any of my home décor but I knew that I wanted something similar to it. I kept thinking the saying is really a perfect saying for Spring and Easter. I decided to make my own and freshen up the colors for spring. First I grabbed a medium size board from my scrap wood pile. My board is about 12″ by 24″. I painted my board a teal blue color then cut 2 cardstock templates using the silhouette machine. I cut the chicken first he measures 12″ by 12″. Then I cut the wording on cardstock also, I taped 2- 12″ by 12″ cardstock sheets together to create the wording template. Next I taped the chicken template onto my board and painted my chicken white. After the chicken was dry, I taped the wording template over the chicken. Yes, I had taped every little center of each letter on the board too! When I make larger pieces like this I find using a paper template lays against the wood better. I have tried contact paper but have found It works really well for smaller projects. I felt I wouldn’t be able to get the contact paper smooth enough on this large of a wording project. Then I would have a lot of bleed through to touch up. So, I stuck with a paper template. I sponge painted on the words and let them dry. Then I removed the paper template and gave the board a quick sand to rough it up a bit. Here is my new fun Wicked Chicken Spring board.
Cindy @MomMaven
You sure do make some cool stuff with that silhouette machine. Great job!
I love my Silhouette!!And I’m laughing so hard at that quote. Very cute!
This is just too cute and it made me giggle! I recently purchased my first Silhouette and I’m making a file of all these cute ideas!
I admit I’ve not really wanted a Silhouette machine, but now my creative juices are flowing and I’m thinking of all kinds of inexpensive and easy projects that I could do. Love the way this project turned out for you.
Ellen ThatChicMom
That is too cute and clever, I really had no idea where that sentence was going! Great job on such a fun craft.
Valerie Remy-Milora
I think this is such a cute idea and i LOVE those colors together! I really need to get a silhouette! I see so many crafters make such fabulous projects with it and they look fabulous!
This is too funny! It’d make a great sign for my kitchen.